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Mr Gan Chun Hong

Clinical Psychologist 

Gan Chun Hong is a clinical psychology lecturer, practicing clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, graduated with Bachelor of Arts honours degree from University of Malaya and completed postgraduate Masters and Doctoral clinical and academic trainings in clinical psychology at Kyushu University, Japan.  Chun Hong also holds diploma of supervisor and trainer license of rehabilitation clinical psychology of dousa (motor action training) approach for children and individuals with disabilities and developmental disorders.   


Chun Hong practiced as clinical psychologist, psychotherapist and counsellor in Japan before returning in Malaysia.  Besides continuing clinical practices locally and internationally, Chun Hong is currently one of the main figures in training young clinical psychologists in Malaysia public and private universities.  Main subjects Chun Hong teaches include Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology, Adult Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy and Cross-cultural Clinical Psychology.   


Chun Hong’s main clinical works cover psychological assessment and psychotherapy with infants, children, adolescent, adults and elderly on wide ranges of psychopathology, mental health, neurodevelopmental disorders and disability; forensic clinical psychology of criminal and civil cases for court and legal testimony; as well as national and regional para games classification on intellectual impairment.   


Chun Hong has been working and cooperating for more than 25 years with various governmental agencies such as Jabatan Kebajikan Malaysia (JKM:  The Malaysian Department of Social Welfare), Majlis Paralimpik Malaysia (MPM:  Paralympic Council Malaysia), various ministries and public universities, also private universities as well as non-governmental and nonprofit organisations such as Program Pemulihan Dalam Komuniti (PDK:  Community Based Rehabitation), Cheshire Home, The Society of the Blind in Malaysia, various organisations related to spasticity, Prader-Willi syndrome and volunteering in Malaysia and various ASEAN and Asian countries for clinical psychology services.  


Chun Hong believes in holistic and in depth understanding when assessing and intervening his clients, not just based on symptoms manifested but exploring clients’ system and inner psychic world from different angles are equally important to pilgrimage together with clients in facing their issues and struggles. Chun Hong emphasises therapist-client relationship building that enhance personal growth and emotional self-healing capacity.   

Major psychotherapy orientations:   

  • Psychoanalysis and Psychodynamic 

  • Phenomenological Approaches – Person-Centred, Humanistic and Existentialism 

  • Rehabilitation Clinical Psychology of Dousa Approach(臨床動作法)for disabilities and psychopathology 

  • Psychodrama 

  • Transcultural group psychotherapy  

  • Psychosexuality 

  • Forensic clinical psychology  

Gan Chun Hong 

Clinical Psychologist (Visiting) 

BA (Malaya) 
MA (Kyushu) Clinical Psychology 
Doctoral (Kyushu) Clinical Psychology 
MSCP CP1-0038 
AJCP 0588663 
JARP License of Trainer:  2010; 
JARP License of Supervisor – Diploma: 483 

Languages:  Chinese; Malay; English; Japanese 


Professional Affiliations: 

  • The Association of Japanese Clinical Psychology (No.: 0588663). 

  • The Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Psychology (License of Trainer, No.: 2010; License of Supervisor – Diploma, No: 483)  

  • Japan Psychoanalytical Association (No.: 5958083592 in recess)   

  • Malaysian Society of Clinical Psychology (No.: CP1-0038) 

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