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Ms Goo Tzy Yeen (吴紫银)

Speech Therapist 

Tzy Yeen is a speech and language therapist with more than 10 years clinical experience in a variety of work settings: hospital, early intervention center, school, and home-based services. She offers a wide range of services including Hanen More Than Words. Oral placement therapy, Sensory Motor Feeding approach, dysphagia rehabilitation, LSVT Loud, PROMPT. She found the real joy of being a speech and language therapist is seeing clients continuously improve and achieve their goal. She believes working together with the family members and clients would maximize the treatment outcomes.  


Ms. Goo Tzy Yeen  

Speech Therapist (Visiting) 

BSc (Hons) Speech Sciences (UKM) 

Languages:  Bahasa Malaysia, English, Mandarin, Hokkien 

紫银是一名拥有10年以上经验的语言治疗师,曾在医院、早期治疗中心、学校等任职。她提供各种服务,包括:Hanen More Than Words、Oral placement therapy(空腔肌肉定位)、Sensory Motor Feeding approach、dysphagia rehabilitation(吞咽障碍复建)、LSVT Loud、PROMPT(重建口部肌肉构音能力的提示法)。她成为语言治疗师后最开心的事是见证客户持续进步和达到他们的目标。她相信通过客户和家人的合作能够让治疗达到最好的效果。 







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