Ms Lee Voon Yee
Clinical Psychologist
Voon Yee is an experienced and qualified Clinical Psychologist, registered with the Allied Health Profession Act 2016 Malaysia and Malaysian Society of Clinical Psychology. She earned her Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from the National University of Malaysia (UKM) in 2011 and worked at the UKM Medical Centre from 2012 to 2020.
Voon Yee specializes in helping children, young adults, and adults with neurodevelopmental challenges, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), ADHD, learning difficulties, behavioral and emotional issues. She is skilled in psychometric assessments, providing diagnoses and developing tailored intervention plans. She also supports individuals struggling with depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), trauma, and adjustment difficulties.
Her areas of interest include grief, trauma, and expressive art therapy. She integrates evidence-based approaches such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), behavioral management strategies, Therapeutic Play, and parenting skills training, group support sessions to children, parents and adults.
Voon Yee supports individuals and their families through psychoeducation and customized care. Her aim is to help clients build resilience, improve their quality of life, and achieve emotional health.
Lee Voon Yee 李雯怡
Clinical Psychologist (Visiting)
B. A (Hons) Psych (UCSI),
M. Clin. Psych (UKM)
MSCP No. CP1-0051
Other Education Qualification and Training Certification
Certified UCLA PEERS Social Skills Program (Adolescent) Provider (2021)
Postgraduate Cert. in Therapeutic Play (PTI UK) (2018)
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Psychology (UCSI) (2007)
Professional Diploma in Early Childhood Education (UMCCed) (2005)
Diploma in Counselling (KTAR) (2003)
Languages: Bahasa Malaysia, English, Mandarin, Cantonese
Professional Affiliation:
MAHPC(CP)00397- Malaysian Allied Health Profession Council, Act 2016
Full Member (CP1-0051) – Malaysian Society of Clinical Psychology
李雯怡是一位临床心理治疗师,持有 Allied Health Profession Act 2016 Malaysia 和 Malaysian Society of Clinical Psychology 的专业认证。她于2011年获得马来西亚国立大学(UKM)临床心理学硕士学位,并于2012年至2020年间在UKM医学中心担任临床心理师。
雯怡的专长在于帮助神经系统发育障碍相关的儿童、青少年及成人,例如自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)、注意力缺乏多动症(ADHD)、学习困难及行为情绪问题等。她擅长心理测评与诊断,并编划干预计划。同时,她也为患有各种心理状况的人提供心理评估和治疗, 如:抑郁、焦虑、强迫症(OCD)、创伤、悲伤或适应困难等。
临床心理学硕士学位 (马来西亚国立大学, 2011年)
Other Education Qualification and Training Certification
认证UCLA PEERS青少年社交技能项目提供者(2021年)
英国PTI游戏治疗 (初级证书,2018年)
心理学学士 (荣誉) (UCSI) (2007)
马来西亚大学 (UMCCed) 幼儿学前教育专业文凭 (2005年)
马来西亚拉曼学院 辅导咨询文凭 (2003年)
认证会员 (CP1-0051) – 马来西亚临床心理学协会
认证会员 MAHPC(CP)00397- Malaysian Allied Health Profession Council, Act 2016