Program Details
We welcome adolescents with autism or social challenges
The program is an empirically supported social skills training for adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and social challenges.
The structure is based on the Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS®), a world-renowned social skills treatment for individuals with ASD from the University of California (UCLA) by Dr. Elizabeth Laugeson.
This program is a 10-session social skills program which is culturally adapted in the Malaysian context. Participants will gain variety of social skills (such as conversational skills, conflict resolution, handling teasing and bullying, etc).
In addition, the participants will also learn emotion skills which allow them to be able to recognise, express and regulate emotions in different social situations.

What can my child learn from this program?
How to use appropriate conversational skills
How to find common interests and trade information
How to appropriately use humor
How to start, enter, and exit conversations with peers
How to host and participate in in-person get-togethers
How to respond to disagreement calmly and constructively
How to handle emotional distress, teasing, and embarrassing feedback
How to manage and respond to physical bullying
How to recognize and interpret emotions and facial expressions
How to be a good sport in competitive or group activities
How to build and maintain friendships
How to handle challenging social situations such as rejection, rumors, and gossip